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2016 SJTU International Degree Students Orientation

请点击下载查看(Please download):

01 致欢迎辞及上海交通大学留学生教育概况、奖学金事务介绍.pdf(Welcome speech and brief introduction of SJTU international student education and scholarship affairs)

02 留学生出入境相关事务介绍.pdf(Introduction of Exit-entry of international students)

03 留学生校内外安全稳定及注意事项介绍.pdf(Introduction of on-campus safety)

04 留学生校内外住宿规定、学生活动、学生评优介绍.pdf(Introduction of accommodation rules, student activities and evaluation of international students)

05 校园卡及网络使用介绍.pdf(Introduction of use of the student card and network)

06 留学生公寓水电使用介绍.pdf(Introduction of use of water and electricity in the dorm)

07 诚信教育.pdf(Introduction of faith and integrity education)

08 研究生留学生培养与学位管理介绍.pdf(Introduction of academic and degree affairs of International graduate students)

09 图书信息资源的使用及注意事项介绍.pdf(Introduction of library resource)

10 学生社团介绍.pdf(Introduction of activities of Student’s Union)


上海交通大学留学生发展中心 版权所有

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