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Dear all,



With the improvement of SJTU’s international influence, more and more excellent international students choose to study at SJTU. To better promote programs of SJTU, International Ambassador Program(IAP) is set up to encourage and support current international students to carry out various forms of promotion activities in their countries as spokesmen of SJTU.

一、 项目形式及任务要求 Program Introduction

1. 项目以个人或团队形式进行,每个团队一般不超过3人(含3人);

Participants are allowed to join the program in individual or team(≤3 members).

2. 参与者联系自己国家的高中进行招生宣传,可根据实际情况设计和组织宣传活动形式与内容,线上线下活动均可;

Participants need to contact the high schools in their countries during holidays, introduce SJTU to the teachers and students, and share them with SJTU's new admission information through online or offline forms. Online activities are highly recommended;

3.  宣传过程中应做好记录工作,如文字、图片、视频等。对有意报名交大的学生做好信息收集,如志愿专业,联系方式等,对其提出的问题进行解答,并进行后续跟踪,为其提供报名咨询服务;

Participants need to record their promotion work in the forms of photos, videos, etc. Participants also need to collect information of those who have interest in studying at SJTU, such as name, contact information, major of interest, etc and provide them with consulting services about application.

4.  活动不得干扰高中的教学秩序;

The promotion work shall not interfere with the teaching order of high schools.

5.  活动中切记注意人身安全和财产安全;

Please pay attention to personal safety and property safety in promotion work.

6.  活动中不允许存在任何商业内容以及一切与招生宣传不相适应的内容。

No commercial action or improper action is allowed in promotion work

二、 报名条件 Application Requirements

1. 上海交通大学在校国际学生;

SJTU current international students;

2. 热爱交大,关心学校国际化发展;

Love SJTU, care about SJTU's international development;

3.  在校期间表现优秀,责任心强,具有一定的宣传组织能力和演讲表达能力;

Perform well when at school; has strong sense of responsibility, strong ability of organization, communication and expression;

4.   有较强的荣誉意识,遵纪守法,身体健康。

Good in health, observe laws and regulations.

三、报名、初选及培训 Application

1. 报名 Online Application

学生以个人或小组为单位报名,填写网上申请表 https://www.wjx.top/jq/101053548.aspx


Students should apply in individual or team. Please fill in the online application form https://www.wjx.top/jq/101053548.aspx before Jan. 10, 2021.

2. 初选 First Review


International Student Center will check all participants' application forms. Participants who are qualified with the requirements will pass the first review and be entitled as "Goodwill Messenger”.  The appointment period is one year. 

3. 培训 Training


International Student Center will provide training (Online or Offline), promotion materials (Electronic version or paper) and consultation service for all teams who pass the first review. 

四、  评审 Evaluation


ISC will organize evaluation meeting and invite 5-8 judges to evaluate all teams' promotion work according to their presentations and give scores. The specific time will be further notified.

五、  奖励 Award

1. 获得“上海交通大学友好使者”称号者,即颁发使者证. 

All partipants who pass the first review will get a certificate of "SJTU Goodwill Messenger".

2. 经过评审合格后的团队成员将荣获“上海交通大学国际学生宣传大使”荣誉称号

Partipants who pass the final evaluation will get a certificate of "SJTU International Ambassador".

3. 据专家评审结果,最终评选出团队一、二、三等奖:


一等奖  团队奖励5000元 First Class: 5,000RMB/team

二等奖  团队奖励3000元 Second Class: 3,000RMB/team

三等奖  团队奖励2000元 Third Class: 2,000RMB/team

六、联系方式 Contact


Email: isc.d@sjtu.edu.cn

Tel: +86-21-54743244


上海交通大学留学生发展中心 版权所有

址:中国上海市闵行区东川路800号  邮编:200240   电子邮箱:isc-support@sjtu.edu.cn