[SJTU Wisdom] SJTU Research Team Publishes Review Paper on Chemical Society Reviews
Recently, a thesis co-authored by Doctor Nicholas Andrew Butt from School of Pharmacy at SJTU and Professor Zhang Wanbi from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at SJTU was published on Chemical Society Reviews on the front cover of the journal (having an impact factor of 33.4 in 2014). The thesis was titled "Transition Metal-catalyzed Allylic Substitution Reactions with Unactivated Allylic Substrates". In this thesis, the authors made a thorough summary of the research achievements at home and abroad on with unactivated allylic substrates including allyl alcohol, allyl ethers and allyl amine. This paper contributed to expanding the application scope of transition metal-catalyzed allylic substitution reactions as well as revealing the prospect of the field, which could act as key reference for chemistry-related areas including medicine, agricultural pharmacology and biology. This was the second time in this year that Professor Zhang' s Research Team had published a review paper on a prestigious international journal since they last did so on Chemical Reviews (having an impact factor of 46.6 in 2014).

Chemical Society Reviews is one of the three most renowned and highly-ranked review journals in chemistry and related areas. It has been committed to publishing papers of great influence, thus widely known for its thoroughness, authority, significance and legibility.
Translated by Zhao Bingquan
Reviewed by Wang Bingyu