Introduction of Dormitory Buildings

About Apartment Buildings for International Students

Minhang Campus: Nanyang Bei Yuan International Student Apartment, No. 9 Apartment Building

Xuhui Campus: Tao Li Yuan, Lianxing Building

Nanyang Bei Yuan is located at No. 360, zhangjiali Road, Minhang District, Shanghai. Two types of room are available: single room with independent toilet and single room with shared toilet. All rooms are equipped with air conditioner, free Wi-Fi and basic furniture. The size of the bed is 120cm*200cm, and bedding need to be prepared by yourself.

Building No.9 is located in the Minhang campus. Each room is shared by two students with a private bathroom, air conditioner and basic furniture. The size of the bed is 100cm*200cm, and bedding need to be prepared by yourself.

       Tao Li Yuan is located in the Xuhui Campus. Two types of room are available: single room and double room. Both types are equipped with a private bathroom, an air conditioner, free Wi-Fi and basic furniture. The size of the bed is 120cm*200cm, and bedding need to be prepared by yourself.

       Lianxing Building is located on the Xuhui Campus. It only offers single room. The room is equipped with a private bathroom, an air conditioner, free Wi-Fi and basic furniture. The size of the bed is 100cm*200cm, and bedding need to be prepared by yourself.


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