Other Services



University hospital

Address: South to the South gym and dormitory #8 and #9

Service Hours: 8:00~11:25, 13:25~16:50

Fee: 1 RMB


  • If it is an emergency, call the program assistants -- IPO office, and we will arrange for someone to take you to the hospital/clinic.

  • If it is safe to move the injured or sick person, it is usually better to arrange for a faster way to go to the hospital (like calling for a taxi) than to wait for the ambulance to come as the ambulance takes you to the nearest hospital and not the hospital of your choice. Shanghai traffic does not yield to emergency vehicles.


If you need to go to the hospital or clinic, please prepare the following items:

1) Passport

2) Cash (preferred) or credit card

3) Any medical information that may be necessary.

4) Your medical/travel insurance details

For general illness, the hospital listed below will generally help.

Shanghai Fifth People’s Hospital (上海市第五人民医院)

The closest general hospital to campus:(10 mins. by taxi from Minhang Campus )

Add: 128 Ruili Road, Minhang District, Shanghai  上海市闵行区瑞丽路128号

Tel: +86(21)6430 8151  

Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital (上海市第六人民医院)

Add: No.600 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai  上海市宜山路600号

Tel: +86(21)64369181  

Website: http://www.6thhosp.com/




Copyright © 2015 Shanghai Jiao Tong University International Student Center

Address: 800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District, Shanghai, China  Email: isc-support@sjtu.edu.cn