Together, to defeat any momentary challenges
A letter to all the international students at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dear international students at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) has been working hard on the prevention and control of the outbreak of the 2019-nCov infection, a top-level public health emergency, under the united leadership of the China Central government, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Government. To cope with this unexpected emergency, SJTU International Student Center (ISC) and International Student Service Center (ISSC) call upon all our international students to stay calm and have faith in handling this emergency.
Thanks for your coordinated action and quick response to our survey, with which we have obtained the very faith to win the fight against the outbreak. We hope that all of us could work together on the followings:
一、目前学校已作出决定,推迟2020年春季学期开学时间,具体开学时间将另行通知。相关公告已经在学校主页以及留学交大网站发布。请同学们仔细阅读学校发布的各类相关信息并及时关注更新,务必不要提前返沪(校)。目前,我校留学生宿舍暂停接受入住,楼栋开放入住时间将延后,具体时间另行通知。如果个别同学因极其特殊原因已在返沪(校)的途中, 务必请第一时间联系所在院(系)老师,商议解决方案。经批准同意返沪(校)的学生,需按照相关规定进行隔离观察。另外,中国铁路部门和多家航空公司已经宣布了疫情防控形势下的票务退改签特殊政策。希望同学们可以及时关注,以便更改行程。
1. SJTU has made the decision to postpone the commencement date of the spring semester of 2020 and all students are not advised to come/return to Shanghai and SJTU in advance. SJTU has also postponed the opening date of students’ dormitory. Please pay close attention to SJTU arrangement update announcements on our website and WeChat. If you are currently on your way to Shanghai or SJTU, please notify your school or department faculty or staff members as soon as possible, with whom, your case will be fully discussed for possible solutions. Once permission granted, each student arriving at the University from outside of Shanghai still need, according to the regulations and instructions by the authorities, to be placed in isolation or quarantined for a two-week observation period. It is suggested that, if necessary, you should pay attention to the new ticket policies for cancellation and refunding, or rescheduling, by different railways and airlines.
二、 请同学们严格防范新型冠状病毒感染肺炎,建议仔细阅读新型冠状病毒感染肺炎的公众预防提示并认真执行,保持良好卫生习惯,注意个人健康。如果有学生目前已经在中国境内,请严格遵守中国政府及卫生部门发布的指示和要求,采取一切必要的防范措施,加强个人防护。一旦出现新型冠状病毒感染可疑症状(包括发热、咳嗽、咽痛、胸闷、呼吸困难、轻度纳差、乏力、精神稍差、恶心呕吐、腹泻、头痛、心慌、结膜炎、轻度四肢或腰背部肌肉酸痛等),应根据病情,及时到医疗机构就诊并尽快通知学校相关部门和院(系)。我校已通过微信公众号发布了上海交大留学生调查问卷,请所有同学及时填写问卷,以便学校及时掌握信息,更有针对性地开展下一步防控工作。
2. Please carefully read the instructions or FAQs on prevention and control of the outbreak and take every necessary measure, so as to secure your personal safety and health. If you are in China right now, please strictly abide by the instructions issued by the Chinese governments at different levels and health authorities and take all necessary precautions. Please go to the Health Services nearby immediately in case of the suspicious symptoms are found to be related to pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus and at the same time notify your school or department faculty or staff members. Such symptoms at least include fever, cough, chest distress, dyspnea, mildly poor appetite, feebleness, mild lethargy, nausea, diarrhea, headache, palpitation, conjunctivitis, mildly sore limb or back muscles. SJTU international students' online survey has been released on our WeChat. Please fill in the survey for helping the University take further effective actions.
三、 如果已在中国境内的国际学生希望离沪或离开中国,请遵守中国政府对于疫情防控的相关要求和规定,并向所在院(系)报备。因某种原因希望长时间离沪(校)的同学,请联系所在院(系),经批准并完成相关离校手续后方可离校。
3. For students who are currently in China but intend to leave temporarily, please strictly abide by the nCov-infection-protection-and-control requirements issued by the Chinese governments at different levels and health authorities and take all necessary precautions and notify your school or department faculty or staff members of your intention. If you are going to leave for a long period, you will be required, with permission from the University, to complete all the relevant procedures of leaving school.
We know, as one of SJTU international students, you always have a deep passion for the University, no matter where you are.
We believe, as SJTU international students, with our hearts beating as one, we can take up and overcome any extraordinary challenges.
We wish you great success, happiness, health, and safety in 2020!
国际合作与交流处 留学生发展中心
学生处 留学生服务中心
International Affairs Division, International Student Center
Students Affairs Steering Committee, International Student Service Center
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
January 31, 2020
1. 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中英文对照版】
Public Prevention of Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus
2. 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中法文对照版】
Mesures de prévention recommandées au public contre la pneumonie causée par le nouveau coronavirus
3. 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中俄文对照版】
Инструкция по профилактике пневмонии, вызванной коронавирусом нового типа
4. 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中德文对照版】
Prävention von durch das neue Coronavirus verursachten Lungenentzündungen
5. 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中日文对照版】
6. 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中韩文对照版】
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