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2016 SJTU International Students Open Week Event Successfully Held


The 2016 Shanghai Jiao Tong University International Students OpenWeek event was successfully held from March 14th to March 18th.This event has been elaborately planned and organized by SJTU InternationalStudent Center, and it is an innovation for admissions promotions andstrategies. The Open Week enables prospective international students to experiencethe university life at SJTU, and get in touch with SJTU deeply, a top school inChina with long history and unique glamour. This event attracts about a hundredstudents with their families and teachers, from almost twenty high schools ofover ten different countries.


The Open Week is composed of four different themes: science &engineering, biology & chemistry, arts and business, and Chinese language,covering almost all popular majors among current international students. Atypical agenda for a day’s activity is that participates take a whole day,whether in SJTU’s Minhang or Xuhui campus, to have a guided tour to SJTU’sschoolyard, laboratories, libraries, sports venues, and other facilities, andto have real classes with SJTU’s current students, in order to giveparticipants an “authentic taste” of SJTU’s school life.

留学生发展中心还专门邀请了来自不同专业、不同背景的在校学生志愿者,与来访的国际高中生和家长们进行近距离的交流。高中生就关心的选课、住宿、生活等诸多问题踊跃提问,志愿者耐心为他们解答。听完学长学姐们传授的“真经”,国际高中生更是对未来在交大的美好生活充满了憧憬。 每天的行程充实而紧凑,国际高中生和家长们表示很享受交大带给他们的生动体验,使他们对大学环境有了更加清晰地认识,更加坚定了选择交大就读的决心。本次活动得到了学校相关职能部门、学院及实验室、图书馆、体育场馆等的大力支持和密切配合。  

Moreover, the International Student Center specially invited currentSJTU students with various major backgrounds as volunteers for the Open Day, tolet them share their experiences and feelings toward SJTU’s life. It was agreat opportunity for prospective students to ask questions about what theyconcerns, such as curriculum, accommodations, community services, and makingfriends. After the face-to-face communication part, perspective students makeup their mind to study hard and try their best to be admitted by SJTU. Besides,the Open Day got strong support from relevant school functions and facilities.


In recentyears, International Student Center has developed various methods for SJTU admissionspromotions to improve the quality and quantity of international students,including visiting selective international schools from home and abroad,attending education exhibitions, establishing Study@SJTU website and WeChatpublic platform, etc.


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