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Information Session of 2023 SJTU 

International Undergraduate Admissions

Session One


活动介绍 Introduction:




To help perspective students better understand the international undergraduate admission policy and campus life at SJTU, a series of information sessions will be held throughout the admission season. The information session is expected to be held once a week. It is an opportunity for students not only to communicate with admission office face to face,  but also get to know more details of different programs of different schools. 



Details of Session One are as follows:

时间 Time:

202212月15 周四10:00-12:00(北京时间

10:00-12:00, December 15 (Thursday), 2022 (GMT+8)

预约注册 Registration:

请于202212月14日前点击链接 https://wj.sjtu.edu.cn/q/vdV2Qsv4 进行会议注册。

Please click the link https://wj.sjtu.edu.cn/q/vdV2Qsv4 to register before December 14, 2022.


参与方式 How to participate:

线上参会。Online Meeting

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84814307589

Zoom ID:84814307589



介绍内容 Content:


An overall introduction of SJTU,Admission Policy, Scholarship, Q&A, etc.


讲解人 Speaker:


Admission Officers from Admission Office of International Student Center



For group counseling, please contact admission office of International Student Center.

电话 Tel:+86-21-54743244

邮件 Email:isc.d@sjtu.edu.cn


上海交通大学留学生发展中心 版权所有

址:中国上海市闵行区东川路800号  邮编:200240   电子邮箱:isc-support@sjtu.edu.cn